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Chocolate Products

About Raw Chocolate

These are on hold for the time being. We are building our off grid home and short of electricity to grind the beans.


Berrylion Chocolate

The combination of wild crafted raw cacao beans, raspberries, and blueberries create a zinging rich chocolaty experience. We added the Lasavia flower essence of Dandelion to this, which supports us in staying connected.


Bliss Chocolate

Raw cacao wild heart chocolate Vanilla and cinnamon smoothness.

Go Go Goji Nuts

Go Go Goji Nuts Chocolate

Rich dark delicious stone ground raw cacao with goji berries, activated almonds and cleavers, time to untangle and see clearly.

Mint Crunch

Mint Crunch Chocolate

Rich dark delicious stone ground raw cacao with the zing of fresh mint and essence of cicada, opening your senses to surrendering to what is.


Mylk Chocolate

Rich dark delicious stone ground raw cacao, we added a swirl or two of virgin coconut oil to create a milky feel, some shredded coconut and a few drops of scotch thistle... smile.

Raw Zest

Raw Zest Chocolate

Raw cacao wih orange anise and cardamom.


Weta Chocolate

Rich dark delicious stone ground cacao with the elemental essence of weta, a touch of vanilla and black salt. Imagine a golden light spreading delicately through your body, awakening a distant memory of who you really are.

Raw Love

Raw Love

Chili Bar

Chili Bar

© Chalice Malcolm - WildHeart